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beschwiegen probleme von unermesslicher unbedeutsamkeit
:: lyrics :: music ::

beschwiegen probleme von unermesslicher unbedeutsamkeit

(»were silent about problems of immeasurable insignificance -- live@TIDE, hamburg, 16.VI.2012« • august 13th 2012)

beschwiegen probleme von unermesslicher unbedeutsamkeit
2(3:41)schmetterlings traum
3(4:31)schwanger, über brücken, bis ans meer
4(6:22)rm -rf /
5(5:02)in seinem namen
6(8:08)lautlossagen (l'esclave de l'amour)
7(1:09)kate e.

once a month, thomas steinbrecher invites bands to the radio program »L!VE«, broadcasted by the hamburg based station TIDE. on june 16th 2012, /'angstalt/ played a radio concert here, which this live EP documents. it was released as a free download on the internet, with printable cover artwork in its .zip archive.

as a preview to the next album, the EP features (next to the intro »landungsbrücken«) three new pieces, »schwanger, über brücken, bis ans meer« (»pregnant, over bridges, to the sea«), »rm -rf /« and »kate e.«. the latter piano instrumental is dedicated to kate e. deeming.

it also includes »schmetterlings traum«, »in seinem namen« as well as »lautlossagen (l'esclave de l'amour)«, three revised classics from the very early days of /'angstalt/.

:: credits ::

stefan (bass, keys, guitar)

rettich (keys, drums, bass)
norman (drums, percussion)
m. (guitar, voice, bass)

thomas steinbrecher (technics & live mix)
m. (post-mastering)
recorded live june 16th 2012 at TIDE TV studio, hamburg, germany.

m., using pictures shot by kamerakopter in the studio.

thomas, sven, chrissie, nina, reni, dominic, eva, anna, mart & kate e.